Sense Of Humour

One of the most important qualities to find in a person is a sense of humour.

In many situations, we learn this invaluable quality from the most unlikely people. From teachers to parents to coaches, there is something that often has more impact on our lives than the rules of the classroom or the points of our chosen sport.

Sense Of Humour

Our happiness depends on our ability to laugh. This is an art that is taken for granted by many. Yet, if it were not practiced, a person would likely be very unhappy. There is an old adage that states that "if you laugh you think, and if you think you laugh."If we think, we would be more contemplative and perhaps reflective, if we laugh, we would probably be more spontaneous, quick, and creative.

Not having a sense of humour can leave one depressed and unproductive. It can cause negative feelings, and it can cause much unhappiness. A sense of humour not only improves our attitude, but it also affects our ability to live positively. While the ability to laugh is often underestimated, it is an essential skill to have. It enhances the joy and pleasure in our lives, and our ability to cope with stress and discomfort.

A sense of humour can protect us from our worst moments. Without a sense of humour, life would seem gloomy and hard to bear. By thinking positively, our emotions will be in balance. When we are in balance, we find contentment and confidence.

By living with a sense of humour, our lives will be meaningful and happy.

One of the easiest ways to find a sense of humour is by learning to relax and make yourself laugh. By imitating a person who makes you laugh, you will begin to laugh on your own.

Happy person Vs Pessimist

Sense Of Humour

1)A happy person cannot be a pessimist, because the only way to be a pessimist is to be a perpetual cynic. Because a happy person has a positive attitude, he lives a joyful life.

2)A sad person cannot be a happy person, because being a pessimist means that there is never a joyous occasion in life.

3)A pessimistic person complains and believes that life is hard, while a happy person chooses to see life as an adventure.

4)A pessimist does not have much to look forward to; a happy person sees it as an opportunity.

5)A pessimist focuses on the negative; a happy person focuses on the positive.

6)A pessimist cannot smile or laugh; a happy person can smile and laugh.

7)Being optimistic makes a positive difference in people's lives.


When we are optimistic, we are more likely to persevere through tough times, pursue our goals, and be inspired to become successful. We have a strong sense of justice. Although we can sometimes be narrow-minded, most people do not regard all people as equally valuable or deserving of equal respect.

Sense Of Humour

Just as importantly, we hold on to principles that we believe are true, regardless of how much they can be tested or proven. Although we will often make compromises in order to avoid conflict or because we do not want to hurt anyone, we rarely compromise our basic principles. People who live a life based on a sense of justice take issue with injustices, and work to right them when they can.

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