Welcome to this page. Today you will learn How to develop self-respect and many more tips to rule life like an emperor.

Topics to be discussed below

1)What is Self Respect?

2)Why do we need Self Respect?

3)Where do we lose Self Respect?

4)How to develop Self Respect?

5)Lifehack Tips

So Let get started with a wonderful quote 

*Life is like a pen 

*Time is Ink

*So waste the Ink carefully*

How To develop Self Respect
self respect

1)What is self Respect?

a) self-respect is loving self and loving yourself. self-respect is different in every situation if you are in school then getting respect from teacher and classmates is a sign of self-respect and if you are in the office and your boss talks politely and your staffs respect your words is a sign of self-respect 

b) self-respect is gained by working hard on your character and it just needs 2 sec to destroy your self-respect and bad remark on your character

2)Why do we need Self Respect?

a) It's the most important thing everybody needs in their life to live life with dignity and respect from the surrounding. we can not live without self-respect it is impossible like If you are the boss of a developing awesome company and your Pune doesn't give respect to you it hurts badly and you get a negative view of your staff and they too start not following your words. So friends self-respect is the most important thing to live alive 

3)we lose self-respect or get crack on self-respect

a)when any person insults you

b)when you are not disciplined 

c)when you are making peoples jokes

d)when you are not good at your job

e)when you don't dress well 

Dear friends your personality defines your status/self-respect

4)How to develop Self Respect?

a)don't give a chance to any person to insult you

b)always be disciplined and cool

c)develop the confidence to have daily workout/exercises

d)don't insult anyone this gives chance to think people how bad you are

e)dress like an attractive and professional

f)ignore your haters because they don't have self-respect and they want you to be like them

g)ignore friends who disrespect you in front of the world cause real friend won't do it a competitor does this

h)help always others when you see them in dam trouble like road siders and poor

i)be self happy this irritates your haters.

j)don't take anything free and don't cry in front of anyone [most important]

k)word hard where you find yourself poor

you will live life like an emperor if you will follow these steps 

How To develop Self Respect

6)life hacks 

dude don't respect anyone too much they take it for granted.

be rich by heart 

wiser by brain

and have eagles eyes